*Audio: Japanese/Caption: Japanese and English comparison
Strongly Recommended by Backpackers: The Most Useful Travel Guide Book and Language Tool!
Easy to learn, accessible anywhere anytime, with the touch of your fingertips, you can travel anyway you like!
If you are only going on a short vacation to Japan, this is the perfect tool to give you on the spot help when you need it. You dont have to force yourself to learn Japanese all you need to do it use the "one-finger trick" and local Japanese people will be able to answer your questions right away. This guide book will make communication with local Japanese people a much easier task than you could ever have imagined.
*Product Characteristics:
•Fifteen exclusively selected themes, including Basic, Communication, Flying, Transportation, Driving, Reservation, Accommodations, Dining, Money & Numbers, Shopping, Sightseeing, Accidents, Getting Sick, Culture, Entertainment.
•There are more than 4000 phrases for typical conversation and 2000 substitutions as well as more than 2,000 frequently-used vocabularies. The extremely useful and rich travel language database will surely make your trip an enjoyable one.
•"Local Culture" contains a mine of information, including a vocabulary, related to local holidays, festivals, gourmet snacks and local treats and provides all the help you will need about, shopping and sightseeing.
•"Useful Information" has information on world cities, the names of common facilities, a clothing size comparison chart, measurement unit conversion, as well as the commonly used units and measures.
•a foreign language / native language comparison even allows other parties to point out what they are saying in case you have difficulty understanding each other.
•The useful bookmark function can help you store the necessary conversations in advance for convenient lookup.
•The practical key in / handwriting communication pad allows you to communicate through writing and diagrams.
•The key word search function allows you to quickly locate the conversations of your choice. You can also save them and build your own quick search index.
*語言版本 發音:日語/文字:日文與繁體中文對照
如果你只是到日本進行短期旅行, 這正是一套可以助你一臂之力, 解你燃眉之急的好工具。你不用勉為其難的在短時間內學好日文, 只要發揮“一指功", 即可讓日本人為您「指點迷津」, 相信比你想像中更容易讓日本人理解你所想要表達的事情, 順利地與當地人進行溝通。
•精選15個主題, 包括基本用語、通訊與聯絡、搭乘飛機、搭乘交通工具、自行駕車、預訂、住宿、餐飲、金錢&數字、購物、觀光資訊、意外狀況、生病了、本地文化、娛樂等。,
•實用的Key in/手寫溝通面板,讓你還能透過寫寫畫畫來溝通。